Did you know about the Soviet Hippies?
I didn’t either – but there’s a film about them getting it’s UK premier this Weds 23rd Oct 2019 at the Rich Mix, Shoreditch. Tickets are £5.00 + £1.50 per booking. The show starts shortly after 7pm. At the end there will be a a Q+A with the director Terje Toomistu and Vladimir Widemann, one of the film’s stars.

Where to get an NHS flu jab
People over 65, pregnant women, and younger children are eligible, along with some other people. You’ll find the full details on this NHS webpage, or just ask your local pharmacist.
You can have your NHS flu vaccine at:
- Your GP surgery
- A local pharmacy offering the service
- Your midwifery service if they offer it for pregnant women
Free Fireworks Display Victoria Park Sun 3rd Nov
The council say “This year’s display has the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing as its theme.”
The fireworks will be on the east side of the park, off Grove Road. No booking is required, just turn up. Not all the gates to the park will be open, I’ve yet to find out the details. Some roads will be closed, incl. Grove Road and Roman Road. The council advise walking or using public transport.
The food stalls will open from 5.30pm, and the firework displays start at 7pm. Full details on the Tower Hamlets website.
There will be bag searches and the council have produced a long list of banned items including sparklers, alcohol, food, animals, glass of any kind (spectacles, iPhones, necklaces?), and “any other items which we consider to be unsafe or pose a risk to public safety and/or security”.
Age UK Campaign
Age concern wrote to say: “We’re really pleased to say that last week the Digital, Culture, Media & Sport Committee of MPs recommended that the Government and BBC find a way to save the free TV licence for all over 75s. The Committee’s report echoes much of what we’ve been saying for months, and we look forward to seeing how the Government responds.

“We were also happy to see a commitment to social care reform in this week’s Queen’s Speech. The Government has recognised that things have to change, but with millions of older people currently struggling without the care they need to live well, this must not be the start of another long wait for proposals.
“We’ll keep pushing the Government to fix social care urgently, creating a national system that’s free and available to everyone when they need it.”
Thanks for your helpful an informative comment Kevan
Just a comment about the flu jabs. I have contacted a number of smaller chemists, including Boots (!), and they do not always have the facility available for whatever reason.
For the last two years I have received my flu jab at Tesco, last year I paid for it, this year for health reasons, it was free, and I just turned up, and they did it there and then. Absolutely brilliant.
My daughter is a registrar in the NHS, and when she recommends I get a flu jab, I do it.
Just in case you cannot find somewhere to to dothis for you.