How to claim the Pension Credit & over 75s TV Licence

Daily Express on TV Licence 10th Sept 2020

Nationally, Age UK are running campaigns on behalf of older people. One is their campaign about the poor state of care in the coronavirus crisis. Issues which need addressing include underfunding, a postcode lottery, and 1.5 million pensioners not receiving the care they need. 

Save free TV for older people

Age UK are disappointed that the BBC has gone ahead and ended free TV licences for the over 75s. These are people who have most likely already paid in for 50 years. Read their campaign.

Only older people who receive a benefit called a Pension Credit will receive a free TV licence.

Yesterday Silver Voices said that 39% of over 75s had still not received the letter they were promised from the BBC. The way the BBC is funded is a bureaucratic nightmare .

How to Claim the Pension Credit

Age UK estimate that 1.2 million pensioners are entitled to a pension credit, but don’t claim it. Here’s the basics:

  • It tops up your income to a guaranteed minimum
  • If you get more than the basic state pension, or savings you could still get an extra £14 a week
  • There’s a whole list of other benefits
  • There isn’t a savings limit but if you’ve got over £10,000 you’ll receive less

Age UK have a great webpage to guide people through this which also gives you the information on how to claim by phone.

Fewer people are buying a TV Licence

Figures out today show a drop of 256,000 people buying a TV Licence during the last year. That’s £40 million less income for the BBC. Young people don’t need a licence since they don’t watch live TV. There’s a lot of high quality competition out there.

Watch French Films

Menus in English on TV5 Monde Plus app
Menus in English on TV5 Monde Plus app. A box top right in the films lets you choose your subtitle language.

A new free streaming service launched on 9th Sept called TV5MondePlus. It’s available as a website and as a phone/tablet app. It was launched by France and other French speaking nations as their alternative to Netflix. If you click on the cog ikon you can set your preferred language to English. Whilst the films are spoken in French you get English subtitles – click the box top right above a film. The joy of TV5MondePlus is that you can watch great films that you’re unlikely to have seen before. You don’t need a TV licence to watch it – and it’s free.

Age UK in Tower Hamlets

Age UK East London offer a whole range of help ranging from domestic services – someone will visit you, to shopping, carers relief and the Tower Hamlets handyperson service. If you are, or know an older person in Bow who might like some help check them out: website, email, or phone 0208 981 7124.

Alan Tucker

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