James and Maisha, from the Bromley by Bow Centre came to the Geezers meeting today to find out how their health centre might better serve the needs of the community. But they were not asking about healthcare, they were asking people what was important in their lives, and what did they like, or dislike about the area. They worked really hard going round asking each person for their ideas and opinions – and they were getting them! There were lots of ideas being voiced on how the area could be improved.
This was a lively and engaging session. After they’ve sorted through all the forms and notes they’ve collected, James said that they wanted to try to action what people said would improve their lives.

There’s an article on the BBBC website explaining where they’re coming from called: Bromley by Bow: listening to communities and shaping public spaces to improve health. You can read it here.
I find it interesting that in our globalized city, what’s physically close to your own front door can have a big impact on your wellbeing.
A big thank you to James and Maisha for visiting us today.