Age UK East London
Age UK East London have setup a crisis phone line: 020 89817124. It’s open 7 days a week 9am to 6pm. If you are struggling they’ll either help you directly or find somebody who can. You can email them here:
They’ve put up a coronavirus help pack here.
Tower Hamlets Council
People at the highest risk of severe illness from coronavirus and extremely vulnerable residents can call the council 020 7364 3030. The line is open Mon – Fri 8am – 8pm, Sat 10am – 5pm, Sun 10am – 4pm. They can help people with food supplies, access to medication, worries about debt, the elderly, people with disabilities or those self-isolating with underlying health conditions.
Food Banks
Bow Food Bank are on Facebook here:
They say: Bow Foodbank will run on Monday 6th April AND on Bank Holiday Monday 13th April. Both sessions will distribute supermarket vouchers to minimise contact. Home deliveries to clients needing food aid whilst self-isolating are starting this week. Send details to
Bow Foodbank is still managing to open on Mondays from 9.30 am although not in the usual way. Volunteers are now based in the adjacent car park of St Catherine of Sienna church and are giving out food parcels and supermarket vouchers to needy families.
A new food bank was setup in St Matthew’s Church, Bethnal Green in Jan 2020. It’s open the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, from 10am-12pm. Referrals are not necessary.
Universal Credit
The Stafford Centre in Stepney Green are offering advice and support over the phone for emergency Universal Credit applications. They’re also helping residents claim welfare benefits. Phone 0207 791 5513 or email
Government Support
Get UK government coronavirus support as a clinically extremely vulnerable person here.
Bromley by Bow Centre
BBBC is closed to visitors due to the coronavirus outbreak, but they are still functioning Mon – Fri 9-5. They have a list of emails and phone numbers to help you.
Virtual Community Centre
Toynbee Hall has launched a virtual community centre on Facebook. It’s filled with activities and videos to do during the lockdown.
Online Learning
The BBC have free, interactive programmes designed to support teachers and bring curriculum content to life if you’re struggling for teaching ideas with children whilst at home.
Free online learning from The Open University. Open Learn gives free access to course materials and expert opinion on topical issues.
Then there are Crash Courses

It’s great to see how quickly local people have got together to help others. Here’s a poster for a Malmesbury Estate Community Support Group The Facebook group is Tower Hamlets Covid19 Community Support.

Finally I can recommend cheering yourselves up with the Carry On films from the 1960s and 70s.