Cooking a Persian Style Vegetarian Pilaf

Ingredients to cook a Persian style vegetarian pilaf

The members of The Geezers were given ingredients from Bags of Taste to cook three different meals, along with step by step instructions. They run mentored courses in small groups. This excellent idea is to get us cooking nutritious, healthy and inexpensive meals.

In my household I don’t normally cook, but can if required, or I push myself.

One of the meals offered by Bags of Taste is a Middle Eastern Pilaf. I looked in our various cookery books for extra inspiration but drew a blank. Then I went online and found loads of different recipes.

In the end I created a synthesis from the recipes I found online. 

Step by step instructions for cooking a Persian style Vegetarian Pilaf

I bought all of the ingredients a short walk away in the Roman Road Market, London E3. I would think you’ll already have some of them. 

Akdeniz, Nil's Garden and INCI Food Centre in the Roman Road Market. Great places for grocery shopping.
Akdeniz, Nil’s Garden and INCI Food Centre in the Roman Road Market. Great places for grocery shopping.


Basmati Rice

Vegetable stock cube


Olive Oil, if you have some already




Fennel Seeds

Cumin Seeds


Cardamom Pods

Cinnamon Stick

Green Chilli

Lebanese 7 Spice (or similar)

Dried Bay Leaves


Dried Cranberries

A Peach

Lemon Juice or a Lemon

Shelled Pistachio Nuts

Dried Pomegranate Seeds

Green Beans

A big Carrot

Getting Prepared

Preparing the saffron. Grind it then pour on boiling water.
Preparing the saffron. Grind it then pour on boiling water.

A quarter fill a cup with pomegranate seeds and add cold water to soak them. Do the same with the dried cranberries. do this at least an hour before you start to cook. Just before you start cooking grind the saffron threads, put them into a cup and pour on some boiling water. In another cup crumble the vegetable stock cube and pour on boiling water. Stir it from time to time.

Chopped onions, garlic and cinnamon stick
Chopped onions, garlic and cinnamon stick

Chop two onions and four cloves of garlic.

Find your best saucepan

It should be fairly big and be made of thick cast iron if possible.

Turn on the heat, put in some butter and olive oil and gently fry a teaspoon each of fennel seeds and cumin seeds. After a few minutes put in the chopped onions and garlic. Cook for a further 5 mins. Add the cinnamon stick – if it looks like a tube, split it down the middle and put both bits in. Keep stirring as you go. Add the cardamom pods (a heaped tablespoon), half a chopped green chilli and a teaspoon of the Lebanese 7 spice.

Cooking fennel and cumin seeds in butter, then adding onions and garlic
Cooking fennel and cumin seeds in butter, then adding onions and garlic

Add a mug full of basmati rice, and stir it in to coat it with all the flavours of the spices. Add a mug and a half of water. You’ll need to turn the gas up to make sure it’s all boiling.

Add a chopped peach, the raisins, pistachio nuts, coriander and pomegranate seeds, and the dried cranberries both with their liquid. Give it all a big stir and put the lid on. Lower the heat once it’s boiling. Cook it for 15 mins with the lid on as much as you can. A few minutes from the end stir in the saffron and its juice. Take it off the heat. Leave it to stand for 10 mins with the lid on.

Put a smaller pan on the cooker

Once you’ve got the rice underway cook the green beans and chopped carrots in a little olive oil and butter. Stir them occasionally for 15 mins.

The finished rice and topping - ready to serve
The finished rice and topping – ready to serve

Get out the plates

The rice mixture should have absorbed all the liquid, so using a slotted spoon lift the rice from the pan straight onto the plates. Put the green beans and carrots on top to give the finished meal an attractive colour. The green beans also provide protein.

The finished Persian style vegetarian Pilaf on a plate
The finished Persian style vegetarian Pilaf

I think these quantities will feed about 2/3 people.

Alan Tucker

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