Canal Festival 26th June. Can you help?

Preparations for the East End Canal Festival are well underway.  New stuff is being added to the programme all the time.  The organisers would like people to put the word around. By email, post on FB, tweet @eecanalfest (now almost 1000 followers!). Flyers are available if you can distribute them, get them up in shop windows etc – let Carolyn(see below) know if you’d like some.


A5 canal leaflet draft 07 A4 artwork

They’ve trained 11 local guides who will be giving free Guided Canal History Walks,  as well being on the boat trips on the day.  Please book the walks (there are two destinations, each walk lasts no more than an hour), and encourage others to do so, on Eventbrite:–london/canal-history-walk/?mode=search

There’s  a workshop this Friday June 3rd from 7pm at Create Space, 29 Old Ford Road, to make big fabric fish to go on outside decorations. Everybody welcome, there may even by wine!

More volunteers are needed for the day of the Festival,  and the afternoon before (25th) from 2-6, to help set up. Even if you can only commit to an hour or two, please get in touch.


And they’re still looking for a sign writer.


For more info,  and to offer help  please contact Carolyn Clark,  07773 784 517





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