On their outing to Hastings, the Geezers and a coachload of Bow’s finest braved the worst May weather in living memory. (A slight exaggeration but it was horrible.)
The first summer seaside trip of 2024 proved to be so popular we laid on another Empress coach to give the folks of Bow what they want. At £20 a ticket it’s not surprising demand is so high.

Hastings has lots to offer and is a favourite destination. With the Old Town’s charm, quaint and trendy shops and mediaeval pubs, versus the modern shopping arcades to the west, the town offers something for everyone. “Choose your fish’n’chips somewhere posh indoors, or outside wrapped in paper,” as Geezer in Chief Eddie summed it up.

Lolling on the beach with ice cream and scones was out of the question this time: we had to keep moving to avoid the weather. A wonder of late Victorian engineering, the West Hill Cliff (funicular) Railway whisked us up to the windswept open ground of West Hill, where we gazed down on the seaspray breaking over the sea front.

We were pleased to retreat again to the refuge of George Street for chowder and Shepherd Neame.

The Geezers were delighted to welcome a special guest on this trip, Phyllis Broadbent our adopted Pearly Queen. Our thanks as ever to Empress Coaches, and our regular driver, Farouke.
John Alexander