Last night I went to the well attended book launch of “The Isle of Dogs – before the big money” a book of photos by Mike Seabourne. It was held at Café Vert, near Island Gardens, which turned out to be inside George Green’s School. What an excellent piece of outreach! When I went to school (some time ago) schools were insular and crummy. Not this place – I was impressed.
I remember Mike Seabourne from years ago when he was the curator of photographs at the Museum of London. He would occasionally invite a group of us photographers in to show us the latest acquisitions, and we’d have a very interesting discussion.

Mike started taking documentary photographs on the Isle of Dogs in 1982. He was aware that change was coming. In 1983 he contacted Eve Hostettler at the Island History Trust, and had taken over 1,500 photos of the Island by the end of 1985. A selection of those make up this excellent book by Hoxton Mini Press.

In his brief talk at the opening, Mike suggested that we could all be taking photos of the ordinary scenes we see in our daily lives. One day they’ll be gone, and the photos will provide a visual history for future generations.
To get your copy of The Isle of Dogs – before the big money check out your local shop listed here, or buy direct from the publishers.
Hi.All. Thank you Alan for ,only just read your story on OurBow. Must purchase a copy of ‘The Isle of Dogs book. Ray..’
Thanks for the update Debbie
Mike will be selling his book again at Café Vert at 100 Manchester Road E14 tomorrow between 10am and 3pm and from 10.30am until 3.30pm on Monday 22nd and Friday 26th
Friends of Island History Trust have sponsored limited copies of the book and volunteers will run our stall at Cafe Vert on Tuesday between 11am and 2pm Wednesday 11am and 3pm and Thursday 11 and 2pm – The FoIHT Calendar for 2019 will also be on sale, which includes four of Committee member Mike Seaborne’s images. All funds from sales, after costs go back into our not-for-profit charity organisation. Charity No: 1178684
Mike Seaborne is also a Committee member for Friends of Island History Trust and the book can be purchased from the Charity (no: 1178684) by contacting for details. Further information at
Thanks for writing Tabitha. I’m very guilty of ignoring my own area, and have taken photos everywhere but here!
I agree that we should all be taking photos of ordinary scenes in our daily lives. We think it’s not interesting now, but fifty years later it’s eye-popping!