We made an awful lot of chicken, and everything else. The time for a Geezer pop-up restaurant is now.

The chicken was, and is, magnificent, a perfect blend created by chef Nigel Williams, who also wowed us with an oven filled to the brim with his very own shortbread. He used to make them for the kids when he ran the kitchen at Chisenhale Primary School, the venue for the Geezers’ cookery lesson. The occasional bag of Nigel biscuits was a crucial feature of my children’s education.

Start with the dessert. Good idea. It was like a Come Dine With Me Geezer Special.

We grated cheese, a lot of cheese, four different cheeses, Ed and Nigel expertly mixed the supply of sauce (it was cheese, you haven’t missed anything) with the macaroni and there you have it, Macaroni Cheese.

Pop in a pinch of salt or so into the pasta water and you’re sorted.

The main course required chicken seasoning and a jerk sauce to be expertly blended before being smoothed over the lean meat. Best to leave that marinade in the fridge overnight in the fridge. It’s well worth the extra faf!

Thanks to school cook, Nigel Williams, Ruth Crossan the Chisenhale Parent Engagement Officer plus cookery teacher, and Ed for their wonderful assistance, and for silencing the Geezers, the food was that good!
Richard Jory