Last week was a busy week for the Bow Geezers. On Tuesday they enjoyed a day trip to Eastbourne, and on Friday they took charge of an allotment at Stepney City Farm.
Eddie Snooks, the Geezers Chairman, reports:
Tuesday 13th September – Coach Trip Eastbourne
Eastbourne was closing down for the end of the season when the Geezers visited last Tuesday. This, the last of the summer seaside jolly-ups for 2022 was, to be honest, spoiled a bit by the weather. But what can you expect in September?

We did however sample the excellent £10 over 60’s Harry Ramsden special. We decided to do a bit of shopping to help the local economy and came home with a wide range of seaside memorabilia.

We are looking forward to some exciting trips next season to Oxford, Cambridge and of course back to the coast.
Friday 16th September – a visit to Stepney City Farm at 2.00pm to view the Geezer’s new allotment followed by a guided tour of St Dunstan’s Church.
I had an allotment on the farm a few years ago. Recently I found out that a few of the Geezers also grew their own vegetables when they were a bit younger.

Jo Pertwee is a neighbour who just happens to be a trustee of Stepney City Farm. She put me in touch with Nicki Carter, their Greencare Coordinator, who was so helpful in arranging things.

As we are a community group, and the beds had recently been created for that purpose, we timed it really well. We had a really good day on the farm. I would recommend a visit.
Stepney City Farm is open Tuesday-Sunday 10-4 and is free to visit, just turn up. It’s on Stepney Way, London, E1 3DG. From Stepney Green tube station head south down Whitehorse Lane.

We followed up with a tour of St Dunstan’s church, Stepney, which was excellent and Sarah Smith, the church warden, was so helpful. St Dunstan’s has an amazingly long history. Over 100 years before William of Normandy landed, Dunstan, the Lord of the Manor of Stepney, replaced the existing wooden church with a stone one around the year 952!