
Hi my name is Joanne I am a member and chair of Bow Belles. Which is a social club for ladies over 55. It is very  popular and has full membership and we are starting a waiting list. We meet every Wednesday afternoon at Appian court; we chat play bingo go on trips, have people come in and chat about things that affect or important to us health, history other clubs and event going on in our area. We are quite a diverse group with some people who have a disability, we are very caring and supportive of each other.


Outside of the club I am enjoy making cards and had the pleasure of making a card for the Duchess of  Gloucester when she came in  July to open the community centre at Clare house. it was her birthday.


This year the Bow Belles and guest we sell tickets for trips to people outside of our club. Have been to Brighton although the weather was not good all the ladies enjoyed it. Some visited the Brighton Pavilion and were wowed with the grandeur of it. others visited the lanes and shopped. Rye and Hastings was on a lovely hot day. ice cream and paddling was on the list of things to do. Great fun was had in Broadstairs where it was folk week and there was music and entertainment everywhere you turned. We have booked to go to bury St Edmund’s for a Christmas market and to Southend for a Pantomime which we are all looking forward too.

We have taken part in an inter-generational programme with Tower Hamlets College and Central Foundation girls school we chatted about the past and the present. We exchanged recipes had quizzes the girls did a play for us made us cakes. Enis taught some of them to knit. We all enjoyed it and it changed both groups perception of each other.



We have also joined the geezers and members of Appian Court where we hold our club have attended some great parties where we dance and have fun. Just because your older it does not mean you have to sit in doors watching rubbish day time tv or feeling isolated. There is so much going on in Bow. Christine, Dora and all staff members will welcome you with a smile. There are classes and events to which over people over 55 are welcome to attend.

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