The geezers don’t always go out on adventures sometimes we have to stay in the Tredegar Community Centre and make our own fun.
So how do you keep twenty senior men happy and fit? simple you take them back to the 1970’S and 80’s and children’s TV favourite RUNAROUND.
Geezers Chair Eddie Snooks is no Mike Reid but with questions tailored to suit the geezers based on their knowledge of each other it was TERRIFIC.

The format was slightly different in the geezer’s version and sadly the prize wasn’t a chopper bike but a family box of chocolates.
Let’s see how you would have done with a sample of the questions.
Which geezer had a dog with one ear?
A Brian
B Tony
C Harry
Which geezer was always combing his ducks’ arse?
A Ricky
B Roy
C Dave
What is the price of a John Smiths in The Albert?
A £3.40
B £2.20
C £3.80
Which geezer is this in circa 1952?

A Peter
B Jim
C Dennis.
Answers are