BBB Centre, Gatcliffe U11s, Brick Lane Festival

Brick Lane Festival

Bromley By Bow Centre

The Connection Zone, which runs all their services has now been completely transformed and you are invited to visit on Thursday 27th September 12pm-3pm at the Bruce Road entrance.

Festival at Brick Lane Sun 30th Sept

Tower Hamlets is running an event at Brick Lane featuring a pop-up vintage fair, live music, and more. The image above is from their Facebook page, I couldn’t find it on their website.

Four Corners will be at the Festival with a Photo Booth near the junction of Brick Lane and Wentworth Street. They say: “Come and have your portrait taken by photographers Heather McDonough and Rod Morris as a part of the Aldgate East My Neighbourhood Project, celebrating its people, cultures & history.”

Gatcliffe U11s

Gatcliffe U11 Whites football team are running a fundraiser. They say, “We are raising this money so we can buy the team some Adidas winter coats and some skins so everyone has the same stuff.

“We will get the jackets badged and put the initials of the players on them. any money left over will be put towards purchasing bags for the team again badged up with the individuals initials on and then if there is anything left we will buy 2 tracksuits for the managers badged up with initials on and team tops for the parents to wear on match days.” If anyone can help this youth football team please donate here on Facebook.

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