Introducing Media and Communications Officer Lara Sweetman PC 417HT

We have just received this introduction and update on policing matters from the Boroughs new Media and Communications Officer.


Dear all,


Firstly I would like to take the opportunity to wish you a very happy new year and secondly I would like to introduce myself & the role to which I have been posted.


I have served as an operational Police officer on Tower Hamlets for the past eight years, predominantly on Emergency Response Team, although I have also worked on attachments with both the Neighbourhood Policing Team & CID.


Detective Chief Superintendent Williams has tasked me with reviewing the internal & external communications from the Tower Hamlets police; this includes a range of platforms from; Twitter, Periscope, facebook & the press through to our internal/external notice boards.


In order to advertise the good work that all members of the Borough are involved on a daily basis, the Neighbourhood teams have kindly provided me with their ward panel contact details.


I am hoping on a monthly basis to email you some feedback of the work that we have been involved in.


If you do not wish to receive this information, please contact me.


I am hoping that by sharing some of our great results via email and through various other platforms this will enable us to improve our confidence and satisfaction within the local community.


Some examples of the great work and results we have achieved towards the end of last year are listed below,


  • Tower Hamlets Gangs unit were on patrol when a car attempted to make off from them. The vehicle was stopped and occupants spoken too, in the car was approximately £50000 in cash and a quantity of drugs, all occupants arrested under proceeds of crime act and for drugs offences. Further searches were completed with an additional sum in the region of £100,000 recovered, along with three cars – Audi, Range Rover and Ferrari also seized, with an estimated value of a further £200,000.


  • Tower Hamlets Police have seized over £350,500.00 this year.


  • After months of investigation and active Manhunts, some of the Borough’s most wanted burglars have been arrested. 34 charges for Burglary amongst other offences, committed by just six offenders!



  • After months of investigation and active Manhunts, some of the Borough’s most wanted burglars have been arrested. 34 charges for Burglary amongst other offences, committed by just six offenders!


  • Gangs Unit have recovered over 500 knives. This is the highest in the MET and more than 100 higher than the nearest other borough.


  • Tower Hamlets police are working hard to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) on the borough by working in partnership London Borough of Tower Hamlets council (LBTH). A new police team have been set up to coordinate our response focusing on victims, offenders and locations of ASB using a range of tactics some of which are listed below. To assist with this approach LBTH have kindly funded the production of a new ASB warning form which does not exist anywhere else in London and has been designed for Tower Hamlets with warnings issued by police and council staff, allowing us to identify offenders and issue a formal warning to them raising their own awareness to the issues. Our registered social landlord partners have been involved in the planning and support the initiative.


Some of the tactics we will use are:


  • A police mini bus with police officers (Every day) and Tower Hamlets Enforcement officers (shifts permitting) is deployed during peak periods responding to ASB calls and visiting tasking areas.


  • Anyone found committing ASB will be issued a warning notice.



  • Anyone coming to notice for a second time will receive a warning letter.


  • Anyone coming to notice on a third occasion will be visited jointly by police and our registered social landlord partners where the offender resides. Speaking to parents and tenants.


  • Any further coming to notices may lead to potential enforcement through the courts.


  • We will share information of all persons warned with our interested partners.


Throughout the above process youth services will be involved in any decisions involving young people with every effort being made to divert them away from ASB prior to any formal action.



The team has been running since the 12th September with the ASB warning forms being used since the 30th September with some early positive results.


  • 55 ASB warnings have been issued to offenders in 12 days.


  • One 13 year old male has signed up to an Anti-Social Behaviour Contract with support of his parents. Diversion opportunities with youth services being explored.


  • Rough sleepers identified and removed from blocks.


  • Scholl visits this week to raise awareness in young people about ASB and the impact on others.


  • Vulnerable callers being case managed to resolve their ASB issues.


Although this is a very new initiative with adjustments being made I hope you agree this is positive with some excellent early outcomes.



  • Jayden was only 5 years old when he became a police officer on the Borough of Tower Hamlets. After a lengthy battle with Leukemia, his treatment started over a year ago.


It was a wish of Jayden’s to become a Police Officer. He was approached whilst at hospital, by the charity Rays of Sunshine.

Rays of Sunshine Children’s Charity was formed in 2003 to brighten the lives of children who are living with serious or life-limiting illnesses, between the ages of 3-18, across the United Kingdom. It was through this charity that Jayden and his family met Jane. Jane contacted Tower Hamlets Borough Police and with the help of PS Sean Beasley and PC Naz Rahman, Jayden’s wish came true………..


The Metropolitan Police Christmas tree project received over 17,000 presents this year and £20,000 on the Just Giving page. I am sure we put a smile on some of the faces of the young underprivileged children across London


Thank you for your continued support, feel free to pass this message on.


Kind regards


Lara Sweetman PC 417HT

Media and Communications Officer


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